Monday, June 8, 2015

Defining the Goal

I want to have fresh veggies from my garden and serve my children wholesome meals.

I want to have a beautiful home that is clean and organized

I want a trim body

And so on.

My girlfriend said something that surprised me - but I agreed with it.
She said that working out is a false system.

I turned that over in my head a few days and this is my theory.

Our purpose is to glorify God.

And the specific task He has entrusted me with (to glorify Him in) is a family. Husband and children. That is my goal. That is my highest priority.


They all get filtered through this lens.

Making it a goal to work out an hour a day IS a false system.
Not that I think it's wrong to work out. But the reasoning behind it may or may not be wrong.

Having an active lifestyle - incorporating my children - this is beneficial. Family raking leaves time in the fall or biking on summer evenings - long walks through the trails - these are healthy ways to exercise. If I put my kiddos in front of the TV to get my workout, I don't think I'm actually fulfilling my purpose.

So. I'm still pondering what that looks like.

But for a pretty home - I know this. If it is consuming my time to move and arrange and clean and sort THINGS - this isn't fulfilling my purpose.

Useful space and minimal items is something that I'm still battling. Maybe it will come naturally one day. I hope so.

It's more of a mental attitude shift, realizing that making a meal for a neighbor is something to do WITH my children instead of shoo them away so I can get something done. Church is a time to gather with my family to use the system that is available and connect with it and give back to it.

But having the perspective of family as my ultimate goal does help in saying no.

It's all about wisdom and balance - teaching my family to be flexible as well. And guarding the flow that makes family go smoothly. But overall, it's nice to reflect on "what is the goal" every so often and reevaluate how things are working.

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