Thursday, March 21, 2013

cracked mirror

I like a "good deal"

It sort of narrows my creativity down to a specific task.
And the challenge is greater (thus more fun/rewarding) when sticking to a tight budget.

And then I don't feel very attached. Who cares if a $4 coffee table gets climbed on or spilled on or used for everyday life! (although my husband and I, for the fun of it, eyeballed some $1000+ ones that we loved. Whew, so glad I DONT have one of those!)

For me, it makes me work together with God as a team instead of feeling capable without Him.
And it reigns in my materialism (I have to guage if something is worth the time and/or cost, and reminds me that both money and time are valuable assets)...

Pity that my mom lives so very far away or I would drag her through a lot more projects...


So when I saw this mirror at 90% off (due to the crack running through it) I thought "hmm, I bet I could do something with that..."

and home it came.

The rack was mostly a clean straight line, with one little branch spurting off.

I used a sheet of "chalkboard contact paper" and cut out slices to create a branch that covered the crack, and a bird and leaves that covered any little other defects.

This is how it turned out:

And here it is in the outdoor screen porch (which is still under progress but God graciously answered several specific prayers to make it come this far... like this clearance bistro set which was rather cheap, last one and display model from a grocery store. I saw it in early summer and I liked it a lot, but it wasn't a good price. It's a store I rarely shop at, but God let me be there at the right moment and time to get it when it was about 75% off. It was a good reminder to wait for God's timing.)

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